Mark Dober
Mark has recruited many senior communication, public affairs and association leaders in Brussels and around Europe over the last decade through Dober Partners since 2010. He has worked with over 100 European association leaders, right up to the President of BUSINESSEUROPE and DG of the European Roundtable of Industry. He has also worked with major corporations such as: LVMH, Europe´s largest company by market cap; MSC the world´s largest shipping company; and FedEx the world´s leading express carrier.
He was formerly APCO’s first employee in Europe and set up their Brussels office in 1995, acting as Managing Director in various roles until 2010. Mark was involved with recruiting many key positions around Europe for APCO Worldwide and its clients during 16 years of rapid growth at the company. Prior to APCO, he joined the London office of Hill & Knowlton and left its Brussels office as Associate Director.
Mark has twice been voted ‘European Consultant of the Year’ by ‘Public Affairs News’ and members of ‘The European Public Affairs Directory’. He has authored numerous reports on public affairs and communications including ‘Key Success Factors for European Associations’, ‘EU Media Relations’, ‘High Performance Secretariats’, ‘European Association Remuneration’ and ‘European Corporate Affairs Remuneration’.
Mark has taught semesters for Masters in Strategic Communications at Brussels IHECS University, and has been an occasional lecturer with a number of Universities including Maastricht. He has a Masters in Political Science from the PUC University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Mark speaks English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.